
Monday, October 1, 2012


Will the wonders of the Internet ever stop amazing me????

I did exactly what I said I would do in my last post and looked up Burnt Offerings on the local library catalogue and yes, they had a couple of copies of it, but none at the branch that is closest to my home. So that made me think that I would have to wait until Monday, today, to drive over to one of the other Library branches. No,that was too long to wait and nothing else on my bookshelf was calling me to pick it up and interrupt Anita Blake and her story so I innocently thought I'd google Chapter 1 of Burnt Offerings to see if anyone had put it online. Well, to my astonishment, I didn't just find Chapter 1 - I found the whole book! It took me all of about 10 seconds and I was off and reading Chapter 1 and I have finished the book just a few minutes ago.

Now I can be all moral and say this is terrible as I so quickly accessed a book online for free and have robbed Laurell K Hamilton of her royalties by doing this, but hey - I've already bought the book, it just hasn't arrived yet! So just for a little while I will smugly bask in my immoral behaviour and roll around a bit in the scent of the Lukoi pack and feed a few stray drops of blood to the ever hungry Vampires of the Circus of the Damned while I tell you that this book was even better than the last one!!!

I also think I was a little prejudiced when it comes to reading books online. I've seen the Kindles and other book readers in the stores and always thought to myself that for me they could never take the place of a real book in my hands. Well I didn't even have the luxury of a book reader to use and have sat at my PC to read Burnt Offerings and found it to be a very enjoyable experience. I made the text nice and large so I could sit right back comfortably and not be peering at the screen and once I got going I felt myself whipping through those lovely short chapters. Now if I could have snuggled up in bed with my PC that would have been the only thing to improve the situation so when I get my ipad in a few weeks time I think one of the first things I'll be doing will be buying some online books to read on it!

I wonder if Laurell K Hamilton started to churn these novels out in a quicker fashion as the whole world of Anita Blake is just moving so much faster. Problem, after catastrophe, after death threat, after police investigation seem to just tumble over each other now vying fro space on the page and I just want to live her exciting life for a day maybe and then take a couple of years to lay on the couch and recover from the exhilaration of it. No wonder she can't make up her mind about who she is in love or lust with! Phew!

And I think Anita's BFF Ronnie summed it up well when she yelled at her for making her relationships all too serious. She is right in stating that Anita just can't seem to let herself just have a good time - she has to see something deeper in everything. So is this a sign of her emotional immaturity or is she the mature one and everyone else is just acting like a hormonal teenager??? She is an adult after all, not a spotty teen like the shallow, gormless Bella Swan. (What Edward and Jacob saw in her that was so enticing I will never know!)

Please leave a comment. I'm off to throw myself into BLUE MOON now!