
Friday, August 31, 2012


Well I said I was going to devote a whole post to this series of books. I could probably devote as whole blog to them but I'm trying not to get carried away here!
I truly stumbled across these by accident when I was looking for more Anita Blake series and there were some titles that didn't match my list. Not only does Laurell K Hamilton seem to be a very busy author I have now decided that she must have some seriously weird dreams to come up with what she does.
Basically, I LOVED these books. From the first page book one until the last page of book eight I couldn't put them down! 

Meredith Gentry is a fairy princess who has left the fae world to live a human life in the big city.
She's left her former life with good reason as because she is possible heir to one of the fairy kingdoms her creepy, insane cousin is always plotting to kill her. However her new life unravels when her sadistic Auntie, who is the Fairy Queen, calls her back and presents her with a chance to become the true heir as long as she gets herself pregnant before her cousin does. Do you see where this is going???? Forget 50 shades of grey as my face went 50 shades of pink, red and crimson as Merry is given permission to "explore" her new guards, most of whom have been celibate for a thousand years!!!

And the surprises (?) don't end there as there are all sorts of fae, with all sorts of stories and hidden talents (and extra body parts)! These books were often hilarious, sometimes gruesome, continually surprising and thoroughly, thoroughly entertaining. I was often heard shouting "Don't interrupt me I'm with the fairies!"

Like the Anita Blake character, I found I really liked Merry Gentry, as she found lots of ways to laugh at herself and her often absurd life. I particularly liked the character Frost, who we know as Jack Frost, and his back story but all the characters were engaging and I kept wanting more and zooming onto the next book.

I seemed to finish them all too quickly but I'm sure with the way the last book ended there will be more to come.
My one criticism, and it may not be Laurell K Hamilton's fault, but put in by her publishers, is that the books often retraced back stories unnecessarily, obviously hoping to ensnare readers who had stumbled on the books midway through the series. This rehashing of already known facts was infuriatingly irritating as it happened so often but was not enough to turn me off the series. It's a shame that the publishers don't have confidence that the books will draw you in enough to find out if there are others. It was just so unnecessary!

 So an absolute 10 out of 10 for pure, silly escapism. And if you love Charlaine Harris like I do, then you will love these.
  1. A Kiss of Shadows
  2. A Caress of Twilight
  3. Seduced By Moonlight
  4. A Stroke of Midnight
  5. Mistral's Kiss
  6. A Lick of Frost
  7. Swallowing Darkness
  8. Divine Misdemeanours

    Wednesday, August 29, 2012

    Book Competition!

    I just stumbled across this competition and thought I would put a link to it here in case you were interested. The book 'Wool" sounds fascinating!

    I hope I win and if not me then maybe you!

    Sunday, August 26, 2012



     In this blog I would like to share what I am currently reading as well as try and compile a list of books I have read and put my own opinions on them out there to share. You can comment back, of course, and tell me what you are reading and/or give your opinion on something I have read.

    I have always loved to read and was in fact reading fluently when I was at Kindergarten (I clearly remember sitting in the 'book corner' with the other children and reading to them all, yes, what a showoff!) although my Mum and sister both deny having taught me to read! My brother was also reading before he went to school but I know that I taught him - see, I was a teacher even back then!!!
    I clearly remember my Prep Teacher, the lovely Mrs Dalton, asking me to read for Miss Ganly, one of the other teachers. She gave me the old Victorian reader "HOLIDAYS" (remember that one) which wasn't a "Prep" reader and I eagerly prattled off page after page for Miss Ganly who stood there with her mouth open. 'See, I told you, what do I do with her now?' Mrs Dalton said to Miss Ganly!!!! Well I assume she enjoyed having one less child to worry about in an extremely overcrowded 1967 classroom and let me read to my hearts content!
    I have often, over a very long teaching career, told the children in my classes, that I don't remember when I first started to read at night before going to sleep but it has become an ingrained element of my going to sleep routine. So much so that I use it as an indicator for when I am not feeling well as it is so unusual for me not to absolutely have to read before shutting my eyes! I find it interesting that when I am particularly hyped up and my brain is in overdrive, and I find it difficult to sleep, I also find it very difficult to read!!!

    At the moment I am whizzing through GUILTY PLEASURES which is the first in a long string of books by LAURELL K HAMILTON about a vampire slayer called Anita Blake. I think it said on the blurb that this is Buffy the Vampire Slayer for grown ups but having never read or watched anything about Buffy I can't compare it. 

    Guilty Pleasures

    It is graphically gruesome and I'm enjoying it immensely. I always like a book to whisk me away effortlessly and this certainly does that. Perfect escapism for when your head is not in such a good place as is sort of happening at the moment! And Anita Blake is an out there woman with a very interesting job - certainly not a blushing violet - and I find myself liking her, and especially her little dialogues with herself, very much.
    Since writing this I have finished Guilty Pleasures and launched into the next book, THE LAUGHING CORPSE, 

    which was more about zombies (yick!) than vampires but still gruesomely enjoyable and have just started book 3 in the series, CIRCUS OF THE DAMNED.

     i can see myself reading these one after the other now. I have had a substantial break between book 2 and 3 as I stumbled across Laurell K Hamilton's Merry Gentry series and read them, basically without taking a breath, but I will devote another full post to them later!

    I have also been reading this rather odd book THE MAP OF TIME by FELIX J PALMA. It is set in Victorian England and whirls characters such as Jack the Ripper and HG Wells, to name a couple, into the same tangled story. i must admit I have put it down in annoyance a number of times but I keep coming back to it and continuing as I can't imagine how the author is going to tie it all together at the end. Perhaps he won't and then I'll be really annoyed!!!

    The Map of Time

    Welcome to my new blog!

    Welcome to my new blog! I hope you enjoy your time here.
    i originally started this as an extra to my other blog but was frustrated when i couldn't add to my OTHER pages on my other blog. And so this
    blog has been born! I will get back here to sort itall out as soon as possible!